“Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.” Proverbs 31:11

Being in love. Not the “knees go weak” sort of love. But the “your breath stinks; here’s a mint” kind.
In our thirty two years of marriage we’ve shared broken budgets, buckets of throw-up, and emergency room visits…lost jobs, flooded basements, ugly words, and cancer treatments. Chaos and struggle. Such an ad for marriage, right?

But woven through the chaos are the moments that bring us back to center and remind us why we said “I do” in the first place. Moments that make us grateful for a hand to hold through the hard stuff and smiles to share through the good stuff – smiles that speak words our brains can’t possibly compose. The good, the bad, and the ugly…tie a bow around it and label it love. 

It’s no wonder that we needed to reconnect once our nest was empty! Reconnect…and redefine. Suddenly, our kids were grown, with their own households and their own families, and we weren’t “in charge” of the chaos anymore. Yet chaos marches on, so it’s up to grandpa and me to march on with it…clinging to Jesus for wisdom and to each other for moral support. 

Here at the laughing grandma, you’ll find fresh ideas for rediscovering your love for grandpa. It’s easy to be swept-up in the excitement and needs of our adult kids and grandkids….and to forget how much grandpa still needs us to need him. Our adult kids are watching. Our grandbabies are watching. Let’s live the love we want them to aspire to!