This Valentine LOVE CHAIN is simple to prep, easy for little hands, and easy to mail to grandbabies who live(more…)
How to make Santa Sacks and ditch those hard-to-stuff stockings!
How our Santa Sacks were born :: In 1998, after years of squishing gifts into narrow stockings, I ditched our(more…)
Thanksgiving Prayer Page for Your Little Turkeys
This prayer page is a great way to keep your little turkeys busy while you put the final touches on(more…)
Send your littles back to school with a heartfull of *fruit*
Back-to-school season is fun! Shopping for supplies, organizing backpacks, choosing first-day outfits…it’s all fun. But school can also be hard.(more…)
Summer is the perfect time for these grumble-crushing travel bags!
You remember family vacations with your little ones, right? Everyone’s excited to go, but 30 minutes into the trip all(more…)
Sometimes Veterans Day is Every Day: How to Make a Deployment Pillow
:: When daddy deploys, little hearts need a little extra…a little extra love, extra hugs, extra grace. It’s a big(more…)
Grumble-Crushing Travel Bags: Awesome Activities!
:: Spring Break, summer vacation, or a trip to see grandma? No matter where the trip takes your grandkids, these(more…)
Bella’s prayer chain album
Today, Bella and I had so much fun making an orphan prayer chain together, using the printable from the post:(more…)
How to make an orphan prayer chain
The look on Kaycee’s face said it all. She stood in front of our fridge, searching the faces of 20(more…)