Make one of these cute and constant reminders of why you appreciate your husband by simply clicking the image or button below. For our marriages to thrive, even decades after saying “I do,” our husbands need to feel respected and affirmed. With Valentines Day just around the corner, it’s a great time to do a little personal inventory. I’m not talking about an inventory about how HE is doing. But an inventory about how I’M doing.

Does my husband feel respected?

Do I speak and act respectfully toward him and about him? OR do I make snarky comments about the things that irritate me, continually point out his weaknesses, and speak harshly about him (or to him) in front of others? Sometimes things in the Bible have to be decoded and pondered before we truly understand them. This isn’t one of them. Ephesians 5:33 simply and directly says, “the wife is to respect her husband.”

It doesn’t say, “the wife is to respect her husband IF he helps around the house…IF he only says nice things to her…IF…IF….IF.” There is no allowance for IF. We’re to respect our husbands. Period.

  • We pray fervently for him.
  • We say nice things to (and about) him in front of our kids, grandkids, and friends.
  • We say things like, please…thank you…I’m proud of you…I trust you…that’s a great idea.
  • We ask for his input and listen to him without being defensive.
  • And we speak to him like an adult…a partner and friend…not a child.

Does my husband feel affirmed?

Are my words encouraging and hope-filled? OR do I relentlessly point out my unmet wants and complain about the things I wish were different? I once heard that complaining is a bit like throwing up…the one who does it experiences relief, while the people that witness it are left feeling sick. Are we making our husbands sick by “puking out” our complaints or are we speaking words that lift them up, communicate contentment, and make them feel appreciated?

Proverbs 18:21 says that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” We have the power to destroy our husbands or to breathe life into our homes. Let’s choose life!

  • We choose to verbalize what we love about our husband and home.
  • We never stop flirting or showing affection.
  • We cook his favorite meals.
  • We stick to the budget.
  • We take an interest in his hobbies and maybe even join in!

What else?

A few years ago, I made this little “So many reasons to love you” sign for my husband, put it in a 5×7 frame, and gave it to him for Valentines Day. The whole thing cost about $10 and he loves it. The best part? It sits on the table by his favorite chair where he is reminded every day that he is my favorite.

Want to make one for your hubby? Simply click on the image or button below to get a free editable copy. You’ll notice that mine is pretty personalized, like recognizing his attempt to watch Downton Abbey with me. I mean, he tried. He really did. And I appreciated it, but it just wasn’t going to work. Anyway, have fun thinking of the “little” things you appreciate about your husband and replace my reasons with your own. Then, simply print it out, cut around the provided guide, and pop it into a 5×7 frame. Voila!

Get your free template by clicking the picture above or button below, then customize with your own “reasons” before printing. Formatted to fit perfectly into a 5×7 frame.