This is one of my favorite Psalms because it is such a beautiful celebration of God’s creativity and power!

P.S. I love fall in Iowa!

Psalm 104

Oh Lord my God, you are very great.

You are clothed with majesty and splendor.

You put the earth on its foundations.

You cause the springs to gush into the valleys and flow between the mountains.

The rivers supply water for every wild beast and wild animals quench their thirst.

The birds of the sky live beside the springs; they make their voices heard among the trees.

You cause grass to grow for the livestock and give crops for people to harvest

You produce food from the earth. The earth is full of trees that you planted.

You created the mountains for the wild goats and cliffs that are a safe place for animals.

You made the moon for its appointed time and the sun knows when to set.

How many are your works, Lord, in wisdom you have made them all.

I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praises to God.

May my words pleasing to you. May my heart always rejoice in the Lord.