Today, Bella and I had so much fun making an orphan prayer chain together, using the printable from the post: How to make an Orphan Prayer Chain. We printed the copies on some leftover scrapbook paper from my craft box and the whole project took about 30 minutes! We had awesome conversation and Bella is excited to ‘pray a strip’ with her family at each meal. When you make a chain with your grandkids, I’d love to hear about it!
Click the picture below to learn more!

KRISTI is the author of the Before books and coloring books for children and the Your Soul To Keep one-year prayer book for parents of adults. She writes to inspire parents and grandparents to shine the joy of Jesus into the lives of their families and to laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). She and her husband Tim live in Iowa where they love doing life with their sons and daughters-in-law, six grandbabies, and two very spoiled dogs. Contact Kristi at or Facebook Messenger.