We had all the kids over for a fish fry this week, so I grabbed five vases from the kitchen cupboard and five pairs of kid scissors and headed to the backyard.

A hodgepodge of vases and some scissors are all we needed to make a little magic!

The grandkids always love to cut flowers from our garden, which I usually micromanage, but this time I gave them free range. Cut any flowers you want and enjoy them because that’s why God gave them to us. Well, us and the pollinators!

Shining the joy of Jesus into the lives of our grandkids doesn’t require excessive time or extravagant projects. It just requires us to seize the simplest opportunities to celebrate the simplest truths. And the simple truth is, God made every beautiful flower and few things bring joy like a vase full of flowers that we picked ourselves! The kids loved it and every day, as long as the flowers last, they’ll be reminded that God made every beautiful one just for them.

Thank you Jesus for creating so many beautiful flowers!
“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27

‘God Made Flowers’ Companion Coloring Pages

Color the flowers in the vase or draw your own!