Here’s an idea. Let’s find joy this holiday season by helping our families to focus on the perfect gifts they already have.
Don’t get me wrong, brightly-wrapped packages are fun and there will be plenty of them under this grandma’s tree, but it’s foolish to think that they will bring lasting joy...not for us, not for our kids, and certainly not for our grandkids.
Lasting joy and eternal pleasures, the kinds that sustains us even on the hardest days, come only from leaning into the presence of Jesus and choosing to give thanks in everything. (Psalm 16:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
It turns out that the cute little signs at Hobby Lobby are true: There is always something to be grateful for. Always.
I may not have certain comforts I wish for. I may long for change in the lives or health of my loved ones.
I am still grateful for the bed I slept in last night. For the fresh cup of coffee that keeps me company as I type this. The birds on our feeder and twinkling lights on our tree. There is food in our fridge, clean water in our faucet, and a candle on our table.
Stopping to be mindful of the good things in my life – noticing them, appreciating them, and thanking Jesus for them – that is what brings lasting joy. The secret lies in recognizing that if I didn’t have anything else, Jesus would be enough to satisfy my heart. His abundance lasts long past the excitement of Christmas morning. (John 4:13-14)

So this Christmas, let’s choose to celebrate every little thing. Let’s teach our grandkids to do the same. Let’s refuse to focus on what we lack.
Instead, let’s tie a ribbon around a plan to inspire grateful hearts….hearts that are filled with gratitude for every little gift in life, and gratitude for the eternal gift of Jesus.
Preparing Your Jesus Stocking
When our kids were little, we started a “Jesus Stocking” tradition that sadly faded into oblivion as they grew into teens. In 2020 we decided to bring it back. I know that it may sound strange to use a tradition associated with Santa to celebrate Jesus, but bear with me.
Here’s how it works:
STEP ONE: Prepare your supplies
Choose a stocking for Jesus and hang it on your fireplace, your tree, on a hook in the entryway….anywhere it is easily accessible. You may choose to use a stocking you already have in a box somewhere or shop for something sparkly and new. Really, any stocking works. The picture below shows our Jesus Stocking, along with a nativity ornament that was chosen by our granddaughter. Keep a stack of paper near the stocking, to be used for writing ‘thank you notes’ to Jesus. (We simply use scrap paper – nothing fancy – but you can use Christmas paper, note cards, construction paper…anything you already have in a drawer.)

STEP TWO: Add daily notes of gratitude
In the weeks before Christmas, jot down messages that tell Jesus what you’re thankful for: people, places, possessions, luxuries, and simple pleasures. Whether you write a single word or a sentence, tuck each note in your Jesus Stocking.
If you don’t see your grandkids often, make plan to call or text them frequently to ask for thoughts of gratitude. Maybe they had a favorite meal for supper or watched a favorite movie. Maybe they had fun playing with a friend or got an ‘A’ on a test. Jot down their ‘gratitudes’ and add them to your stocking.
Here are a few questions to get them thinking:
- What is something that made you smile today?
- Who did something nice for you today? What was it?
- What food are you thankful for today?
- What is something you have that makes you feel comfy?
- Who is someone you’re thankful for? Why?
- What is something you enjoyed doing today?
- What is something God created that you enjoy?
STEP THREE: Share your ‘gratitudes’ with Jesus
On the day you celebrate Christmas – before the gifts are passed out – read the ‘thank you notes’ as your gift to Jesus. Grandpa and Grandma can read them or the notes can be distributed and read by the whole family.
There is no right or wrong way to do it. Keep the Jesus Stocking at your house or give one to each of your adult kids with a copy of the directions below. The point is to keep yourself and your family on the good stuff in life, and to practice thanking Jesus for the Joy he gives.
I pray your Jesus Stocking will bring an extra special blessing this Christmas…and maybe even the start of a new family tradition.
Wishing you a very merry and joy-filled Christmas!
5×7 Directions card to keep by your Jesus Stocking

KRISTI is the author of the Before books and coloring books for children and the Your Soul To Keep one-year prayer book for parents of adults. She writes to inspire parents and grandparents to shine the joy of Jesus into the lives of their families and to laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). She and her husband Tim live in Iowa where they love doing life with their sons and daughters-in-law, six grandbabies, and two very spoiled dogs. Contact Kristi at or Facebook Messenger.
Thank you Kristi, you shared your imaginative mind with your overflowing heart to make things right. You are very special and I am sure many with read this with ideas of how to make Christmas interesting as well as honoring to Jesus.