Somehow, shells in the batter are far less bothersome than they ever were when I cooked with my own kids. When you’re a grandma, getting it done “right” and getting it done “fast” just doesn’t matter as much as it used to. What matters now (and what should have mattered more back then) is soaking-up every drop of joy from every simple moment…even when there are shells in the batter!
So. If you’re a grandma reading this post, crack on!
If you’re a young mom reading this post, take it from a mom with regrets, let your littles crack the eggs, make the beds, and fold the laundry…even thought they don’t do it “right.” You’ll be promoting independence and growing confidence. Yes, you’ll have a few rescue missions for wayward shells and your counter will be slimy, but the smiles on their faces will be all the proof you need that you’re cultivating fruit that will last.
“I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last…”
John 15:16

KRISTI is the author of the Before books and coloring books for children and the Your Soul To Keep one-year prayer book for parents of adults. She writes to inspire parents and grandparents to shine the joy of Jesus into the lives of their families and to laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). She and her husband Tim live in Iowa where they love doing life with their sons and daughters-in-law, six grandbabies, and two very spoiled dogs. Contact Kristi at or Facebook Messenger.