To prep your own colorful story, you will need the following supplies.

Gather Your Supplies

Plastic, Fillable Eggs

Containers with Easter Grass

Printables & Markers

Here are the seven clues you will use to tell the Easter story:

  • Gold = God’s home in HEAVEN is happy all the time and covered with shiny jewels and streets of gold.
  • Purple = God made me and he is my KING. He wants me to be his friend and to live in heaven someday.
  • Black = SIN hurts my heart and makes God unhappy. It even stops me from going to heaven.
  • Blue = God’s love for me is bigger than the SKY. It’s so big that he sent his son Jesus to save me.
  • Red = Jesus never sinned so when he died his BLOOD had the power to take away the punishment for my sin.
  • White = Jesus came back to life & lives in heaven! He will make my heart CLEAN when I ask him to wash away my sin.
  • Green = God will help me to GROW strong and wise until I live with him someday, forever in heaven!

Add Grandkids!

Now It’s Time To Tell the Story

Get set, and set the stage

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the gold egg. Then, get excited about how awesome God’s home is and how great it would be to go there someday.
  • TRACE the word heaven; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the gold egg.
  • Put the gold egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#2 PURPLE = God is our King

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the purple egg. Then, celebrate the truth that God created each of your grandkids perfectly and that he wants so much to be with them.
  • TRACE the word king; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the purple egg.
  • Put the purple egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#3 BLACK = Sin hurts our hearts

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the black egg. Then, be sure they understand that sin is the naughty stuff we do and it makes God unhappy. When we sin, it keeps us from going to heaven.
  • TRACE the word sin; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the black egg.
  • Put the black egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#4 BLUE = God’s love is bigger than the sky

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the blue egg. Then, help them understand that even though we sin, God loves us SO MUCH that he made a plan to send Jesus to save us from our sin.
  • TRACE the word sky; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the blue egg.
  • Put the blue egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#5 RED = Jesus poured out his blood

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the red egg. Then, explain that Jesus died – he poured out his blood – to take the punishment for our sins so we can be forgiven.
  • TRACE the word blood; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the red egg.
  • Put the red egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#6 WHITE = Jesus makes my heart clean

  • READ the clue and guide your grandkids to choose the white egg. Then, be excited that Jesus didn’t stay dead! He came back to life and lives in heaven with God. When we ask him to forgive us, he washes our hearts as white as snow! (Since making the video, I updated the printables to emphasize the important truth that Jesus rose again and lives in heaven.)
  • TRACE the word clean; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the white egg.
  • Put the white egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

#7 GREEN = God helps me grow strong and wise

  • Your grandkids will notice that the last egg is green. (Not much of a mystery!) Ask them to think of things outside that are green. They will likely name things like grass and trees…things that GROW!
  • READ the clue for the green egg and celebrate the truth that God promises to help us grow wise and strong.
  • TRACE the word grow; then fold or roll the paper to fit inside the green egg.
  • Put the green egg INTO THE CONTAINER.

Download your free printables here…