7 Reasons to pray for our adult kids

REASON #1: It provides needed perspective.

 REASON #2: It is a healthy way to deal with anxiety.

 REASON #3: It unleashes divine power.

 REASON #4: It increases our faith.

 REASON #5: It leads to better parenting decisions.

 REASON #6: It strengthens our relationship with our kids.

 REASON #7: Jesus modeled it and God commands it.

4 Replies to “7 Reasons to pray for our adult kids”

  1. Such Godly wisdom spoken in this text! Love this author!

  2. Jim Dusenbery says:

    Kris, what a truthful and heart action felt bit of wisdom. It is encouraging to me that you needed to know the answers from God’s word to write this. We pray for you regularly. You and Tim are an encouragement to us. It great to see you both promote humbleness and integrity in your lives and your family.

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